One Mistake Cost Them Dearly By Brenton Martin
(October, 2005)
Many new homebuyers find it difficult when they are moving into a new house, but for this family it was hell.
Jack and Jill had just moved into their house a few weeks ago and up until now, everything had been fine.
One day after Jack had left to work on the farm, Jill noticed the water was running, so she turned it off. Through the next week, Jill kept finding taps left on and every time she did, she would turn it off. One morning when Jack and Jill were sitting down eating breakfast Jill brought this up. Jack claimed that it was him and said that he would have to remember to turn taps off.
During that week Jill kept finding taps running and Jack was sure he was turning them off now so he checked the house water system, nothing was wrong. The next day Jack and Jill received the water bill $200,000,000”. That’s it!” Jack exclaimed, we can use the well at the top of the hill. So the next morning Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Whilst heading up jack slipped and fell down and broke his crown and the rest is history.
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